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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : David Platt :  Outside the Camp

 Outside the Camp by David Platt

Topic: Revival
Scripture(s): Hebrews 13:11-14  
Description: David Platt shares passionately the need for us to go out to reach the lost billions who are dying with no hope and do not have Christ nor the Gospel. This sermon is provoking to show us our true condition in North America and our need to give all for the Gospel. Will you lose your life today?
Sermon Comments (7)

 Didn't expect less 
Wonderful message but I did not expect less. After reading his book "Radical" I can sense his passion to see God's people advance the work that has been so dearly entrusted to us. Oh may we live not for ourselves but for others, that all may come to know Christ. Even if it will cost our lives..Let's move forward. No turning back!

 Outside The Camp: With Jesus in The Risky, Dangerous and Dirty Places. 
Brothers I'm encouraged by this sermon title. I'm glad. If it would please God and edify others, here is an article I had written on this subject not too long ago. Title: Outside The Camp: With Jesus in The Risky, Dangerous and Dirty Places. This is a call to resist the incredible inertia of comfort and security—and the call to Christ-like suffering in evangelism and global missions –outside the camp. In other words: “Let’s go to Jesus outside the place of comfort and religious sanctuary; and join him in the risky, inconvenient, dangerous and dirty places. Our city here is only temporary, but there are better things ahead.” Read more:

 The words of Jesus 
Greetings Greg, Hey I just wanted to bless you for showcasing this young man. My wife and I just started reading his book "Radical" and I was just listening to a series of messages by him. What has impressed me about his massages so far is that his base seems to be looking squarely at the words of Jesus and taking them seriously. When we do that-- that is revival! I am excited that more and more people from different groups are starting to ask these questions. Again I ask along side these brothers, "What if Jesus really meant every word he said?" Dean Taylor

 A Convicting Message 
This message stirs the soul to the very depths. Will we sit on the sidelines playing church or get into the battle with all our might?

 Die in religion or Die in devotion! 
Will we waste our lives being religious or will we give ourselves for the cause of Christ? Bro. David encourages us to do the latter. Wonderful message!

 Urgent and prophetic 
A powerful sermon. So powerful I've had to listen to it twice in a row.

 A Great Challenge to Us! 
How will be respond!? God allow me to depend on the working of your Spirit more in my life and ministry. And may you give me your burden for the Lost world dying and going to an eternal hell without Christ. Nothing is too great a sacrifice because of calvary, use me!

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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